Wednesday, February 9, 2011

new york observations

So I have been living in New York for a little over a month.

I have observed some things., some about myself and some about the new environment Im living in.

-I have my first New York audition tomorrow. SO NERVOUS. holy moly. I haven't auditioned since last May. Needless to say, Im a little rusty.

-I have a new life goal to add to the list. I want to be a victim on Law and Order SVU SOOOOOO BADLY! In NYC you can submit yourself on a website to be cast as extras on TV shows and SVU is one of them. If you know me at all you know that SVU is one of my favorite shows! I wanna be on it so BAD!!

-I am loving training right now for my job at Redeemer. It is the sweetest thing I have ever done. I sing little songs and teach litle lessons to about 10 classes on the west and east side for infants, 1 yr olds, 2 year olds, and 3 year olds. I cannot explain how sweet this is EVERY week!

-My new friend Kate introduced me to this bookstore called Shakespeare & CO. It is a fun little bookstore and downstairs they have an EXCELLENT collection of plays! SO FUN!

-so I am not super employed right now. I am only working two days a week with Redeemer. So I feel like a stay at home mom to my cat and my roommates dog. I wait for Christina, Kristi or Liz to get home every night. and make dinner. and clean. I need new things to do in the transistion period. I need to get a few new books, I am going to learn to knit ( ha ironically this only adds to my stay at home mom mantra. )

-I also want to volunteer with Hope For New York. I think they are fantastic! They serve the New York City area by practically serving those in need. If homeless need food they feed them. They serve practically with no agenda. They just want people to know they are loved and valued by Jesus Christ. beautiful. check out the website and mission statement.

-I am more madly in love with auburn every single day. Being an alum really teaches you to cherish those times on the plains, the people you are with, and experiences you have. Gosh.
I chased a woman down third ave the other day because she was wearing an auburn hat. I rushed after her just to say war eagle. It was creepy and AWESOME!

-one thing i have noticed about New York is that people yell a LOT. like A LOT. and its not even always angry yelling. though it ALWAYS sounds angry. That is how people express themselves here. They are ALWAYS YELLING. it really bothered me the first few weeks here cause I didnt realize they werent mad. I just thought I cannot communicate this way! Now I get it. Men also when they communicate always sound like they are rapping. They are kind of yelling and halfway rhyming. I cant help but listen. It cracks me up.

-also I have become addicted to Chi Lattes. I mean seriously. I want one every single day. I could write a sonnet about my love for Chi Lattes.

-They say New York never sleeps. This is the truth. I need ear plugs to sleep. The honking outside my window is CONSTANT!

anyhooo. thats all thats new. bye!

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