excuse my cheese and sappiness. i went with molly suz nat jess laura to Loradoes and Quixotes for my last big hooorah in Auburn as a resident! I made up this toast with a terrible rhyme scheme but its how much I love them!
I need to say this before tears and ritas
with all of my heart i love my girls of Taleeda
and i believe dearest friends its because of the way you all show love.
and as we all know shes our most frequent little pisser!
She's got words of encouragement every single day
and despite our long distance i know we'll be ok

If you want quality time Molly is where you go!
She'll scratch your back while she watches her show
and even though we are working like distant busy bees
I know she'll miss me falling and scraping up my knees
Jess is the funniest and that's all I can say
and I'd bowl with you Jess any and every day!
She's funny and quirky and careful with a dollar
and if you ever need me Jess all you have to do is holler
Kristi I am missing while she is up in Mantoe,
being bored at the beach and watching Payne's show.
I'll see her again just wait and see
because I bet we'll be neighbors up in NYC!
Piggy is my girl, sorry I'm a sap,
but what will we do without each other at the GAP?
We're errand buddies for all time to endure
and you've loved me with acts of service for sure
Laura is our involved one, she's like a mirage,
but no matter what happens I'm living above your garage
You've always loved with gifts from the very start
and I've always loved your generous heart
No matter where we go or how life treats ya,
please know best friends youve got me, and we'll always have Taleeda.